

有限会社太田酒造場 純米酒 酒蔵 辨天娘 鳥取県 若桜町

− 米の文化・麹などの食文化を
Not just brewing and selling the Japanese sake,
But also we tell and leave a rice and Koji culture
which is the background culture of sake.
That's why we make them.

Leave the rice culture
1909年。鳥取県の東部、若桜町で、太田酒造場の酒造りははじまりました。この町は、人口4千人弱、森林が町の面積の95%を占める自然の豊かな環境。初代が酒造りを始めてから今日まで、すべては上質な純米酒造りのために、酒にふさわしいお米を作り、地元の農家による契約栽培にも取り組んできました。昨今、日本酒はその土地を表現するものとして、また、海外の方にはJAPAN BRANDとして… さまざまな場所で存在感を増し、楽しまれるものとなりました。私たちはこの日本酒というものを通して、米や麹の文化を伝えて行くことが蔵元の役目だと考えています。日本の食卓にご飯がならんできたように、同じお米からできた酒や麹料理も、日本の食卓をあたたかく豊かなものにします。田んぼから、畑からの恵みをどうぞお楽しみください。
In 1909, Ota sake brewery has started in eastern part of Tottori, Wakasa-cho. The population is less than 4,000 people and there are a rich nature environment where the 95% of this area is the forest. Until today from the first generation brewer the liquor, It's all to make good-quality Junmaishu so that I had made rice appropriate for the liquor and had aproached the contract cultivation with the local farmhouse.Recently Japanese sake is as a thing expressing the local culture or as a brand element of Japan especially for the foreigners. It became that it is enjoyed as various existence. But we think that it is a mission to leave culture of rice and Koji (malted rice) through The Japanese sake. As rice is set on a Japanese dining table, liquor and The malted rice dish made from the same rice make daily life of Japan warm and rich. Enjoy your life with the blessings of the rice field and the farm.

Drink Kanzake
The favorite of the drinker, hot sake. It is considered to be common that sake is drunk cold, but the warmed sake bring out the flavor of the rice as like as hot rice is more delicious. "Benten musume" that we brewer is all made in a hometown from liquor rice to water, a manufacturer. We think about quality of liquor primary, and we tried to make Junmaishu "that is still good when it's warmed". So that the steamed rice is allowed to cool naturally and mash is narrowed down with a wooden tank.

Drink Amazake
米から作られる飲み物とし て、日本酒に加えて無添加の甘酒もご用意しております。飲む点滴とも言われる甘酒。自然の甘みをお楽しみください。
As a drink made from rice, we have the additive-free amazake in addition to sake.

Introduce Narazuke
”Narazuke" is pickles which is vegetables pickled in new sake lees many times. It's the 700s when it came to be made. Although it was preservative food of the upper class and seemed to be high quality food, nowadays it is the pickled vegetables which are loved by the common people since the Edo era when a herbal doctor in Nara began to sell as "Narazuke" and then it presented to the shogunate or spread by the travelers. Our Narazuke is the handmade one which use the fresh Japanese radish and the sake lees. The former is made by contract cultivation at the foot of Mt. Hyonosen in Wakasa-cho and the latter is aged for long time. It's pickled 7 times and grown for two years in a sake brewery. So it is mellow and has body. We send it to you with confidence.

Introduce Nare-Zushi
Wakasa-cho, Tottori is a town among much forest. The fresh fish was not readily available in old days in the mountains. How do you eat a fish with salt for preservation deliciously? And do you save it for a longer time? The wisdom of the ancient people who thought in a thought is just Narezushi. Our mackerel Narezushi of Bentenmusume is made by spreading Kumazasa (bamboo grass) all over the wooden pile and pickling malted rice and salt for one month. It is protected with Kumazasa with the antibacterial action, and the taste of the mackerel changes by power of the malted rice slowly. The NarezushI of the mackerel without the additive at all and made with the traditional manufacturing method. It is most suitable for a side dish of rice and Japanese sake.

Rice of Benten-Musume
(例えば平成30年の冬、6本目のタンクに仕込まれたお酒は、山本敬二さん栽培の玉栄のみを使用し「H30BY 6番娘」として出荷されます。”BY”はBrewery Year=醸造年度のことで、表記された年の7月〜翌年6月までに醸造されたことを表します。)
All the rice is the contract cultivation of the Wakasa-cho product and company cultivation. I We use only brewing suitable rice (liquor rice). The kind is "Tamasakae", "Gohyakumangoku", Yamadanishiki", "Gouriki"(revival rice in Tottori) and "Torihime"(the new kind of the prefecture). I We do the sake brewing that kept a characteristic of rice alive without blending it by dividing a tank into "every kind" and "a producer". In addition, we call them in tank order "the first MUSUME(that means daughter)", "the second MUSUME". Look at the back label of BENTEN MUSUME. For example, the liquor brewed in the sixth tank in 2018 (Heisei 30) is shipped as "H30BY the sixth MUSUME" only using Tamasakae cultivated by Keiji Yamamoto. "BY" means brewing year ; July - June of the next year.
The blue label is the liquor which include all types of liquor rice unlike Junmaishu using one kind of liquor rice. In general, there are "Hamai" remained not to enter the 30 kilos bag and the small rice excluded by sorting. We buy them from a contract farmhouse and use it for the blue label. Because an examination for class is not received, we cannot introduce them as "Junmaishu" in the tax law, but I hang trouble in the same way and make it without alcohol addition.

Enjoy "Okann"